Natalia Stassenko
Natalia! Natashenka:). Please follow this order:
Watch the video - ideally multiple times. The first time you listen to it, your brain will just hear the words, it will not truly comprehend what is going on. You can listen in the car, while driving, when in the office etc. The second time you listen, take notes and write down questions you may have. And at some point you can listen to it again.
Read the report - it is 17 pages long with embed links to detailed articles!!! You can spend hours studying the materials - IF YOU WISH. The whole point of me recording the video was to get you the most crucial information that I feel you need to really understand based on your current life situation, symptoms etc. The report can be found on google drive:
Read the supplement recommendations - also located in your google drive folder: The supplements I am recommending WILL balanced your metabolism (will speed it up because you are stuck in a very slow metabolism/oxidation type and rate right now - IT DID NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT!!! It took years of pushing yourself, perhaps not eating properly, worry, stress etc to get you here. Things got worse a year ago because before that they were getting gradually worse and hence it was not very noticeable but with a big change, more demands your body crashed - just some magnesium, vacations and psychologist will not help long term). The supplements I am recommending are ALL good for you! HOWEVER, if you are NOT comfortable taking that many supplements at once, talk to me and we will stagger them because I want to focus on your blood sugar, digestion, nervous system, liver and adrenals first - the point is we can start with 2 supplements, then add 2 more, rotate them - so many options!!!! I just need to know what is DOABLE for you and your comfort level. ACTION HERE: read the report and let me know what you are comfortable with. While the supplements you are currently taking are all good, they are NOT the most important ones for you right now. WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT.
Our focus for the next 3 months will be this:
Teaching you how to balance blood sugar (read very carefully email #7 about the routine and email #9 about the superfoods - these 2 emails will be a good start to learning how to balance your blood sugar)
Improving digestive power (it is very weak right now - your body is NOT able to utilize what you are eating WELL) - when you get your oils from doTERRA after watching my masterclass on essential oils (, you will get a series of educational emails and one of them will be on digestion!!! That lesson lays the groundwork for improving digestion with proper habits. You are also learning about eating to improve digestion in the emails I am sending as a part of this program… and we can talk/text as much as needed.
Supporting nervous system with sauna therapy, deep breathing, aromatherapy, meditation, getting out in nature to balance circadian rhythms and forest bathing etc., massage, foot reflexology etc. NOT all at once!!! We will slowly change your daily routine - we will declutter things that no longer serve you to create space for healing remedies! It takes TIME for your mind and expectations of others to adapt to your new focus, which is YOU, your health, your wellbeing.
Detox - especially paying attention to the sources of aluminum, mercury and nickel (they are discussed in the report)!!! As you see in my emails 10 and up, I give you lots of ideas how to do that by shopping with doTERRA, beautycounter and Norwex…
Customized supplements to balance your body chemistry
Then at the end of 3 months (beginning of May) we will re-test. This is NOT optional. It is very important to track how the program works and what changes and tweaks we need to make.
Natalia, your report, supplement recommendations, my answers to your questions etc. are all placed in a folder on google drive and can be found here.
You can purchase supplements here.
To recap:
We will be working to balance your metabolism, everything that feels ‘normal’ led to your current situation. I am saying this so that you understand that you cannot UNLEARN something you’ve been doing your whole life (or many years) in a day, or 2, or a few weeks. Little by little the changes you make will strengthen your BODY, when your body gets stronger, then it is easier to make necessary changes that feel BIGGER than just taking some supplements or changing deodorant or taking gluten out:).
Take it as slow as you’d like! Every little change counts. But never give up. And I don’t think you will - you are strong willed. And perhaps like to do things perfectly. Well, it is time to learn how to perfect the art of doing LESS, how to prioritize, how to delegate and how to love yourself more:).
I am here to support you! I suggest that everything except for your health go on the back burner. For a few months.
Enjoy the journey! And we will retest again in the beginning of May!
Email 2: Finally took Liver Assessment - my score is in 14-16 range, mostly weakness, mood, sleep, emotions, brain fog, memry, energy related.