How to Use Astrology to Manifest and Your Monthly Checklist

Manifesting involves a combination of dreaming, focus, passion, and motivation. Planets in the natal chart or transiting can help us find that spark that will allow us to make the moves needed to get closer to making our daydreams a reality.

I love using Moonology Diary by Yasmin Boland to guide me each month. You can purchase yours on Amazon.

Meanwhile, here are some things you need to understand about the New and Full Moons.

  • New Moon comes at least once a month and it represents the time to make sure you are clear about your desires. It is time for gaining CLARITY and sending out your wishes and desires out to the Universe.

  • The waxing cycle (from New to Full Moon) is the time to go hard on achieving your goals.

  • Full Moon means realizing that it’s time to surrender your wishes to the part of you that is Divine and connected to all life everywhere. Then you can see where that leaves you and what comes back to you after you surrender.

  • The waning cycle (from Full to New Moon) is the time to acknowledge that this is the right moment for some downtime.

  • During First and Third Quarter Moon is the time to be especially in tune with your SELF and express GRATITUDE. Doing this will really boost your manifesting because the more we appreciate the good in our lives, the more good we attract.

New Moon Clarity Exercise

I am sharing with you one of my secrets, which helps me stay the course, stay committed to my dream, enjoy the now, show up as the best version of myself to the best of my ability, keep making progress in life.

This simple secret keeps my mind, my thoughts and feelings in check, it reminds me where I am going and why.

Without further ado, please meet my ‘be YOU MONTHLY CHECKLIST’. To successfully find YOU, you will need 5-15 minutes of quiet time and this downloadable guide.

Now that you have your checklist open or printed out, follow these steps:

  1. Set 5+ minutes aside and find a comfortable place where you can focus

  2. Get pen and paper out

  3. Take a few deep breaths (if you have some essential oils nearby, inhale them too. This will help you feel more focused and creative)

  4. Now, write a few sentences about each area of your life (can be found in the download listed above). Make it super casual: this is what I like and this is what I don’t like. Please note, some areas will flow and you will write a lot, others will get a scribble out of you:).

  5. After you journal about each area of your life, you will have a few light bulbs go off. You will see how one area affects another…

  6. Now rate each area on a scale of 1-10 (1 is the worst, 10 is the best)

  7. Write down your aha moments. You may realize, you need to prioritize your health in order to show up like a good mom or a wife. Or you may realize, you need to save some money so you can finally take a family trip. Whatever your aha moments are, write them down

  8. Now write down 3 things you want to prioritize this month and WHY…

This process is SO simple and takes very little time! With consistency you will see trends and progress.

I recommend you don’t delay GROWTH! Download my monthly check in right now and fill it out! Then let me know how it worked out for you…

Where your thoughts go, your life follows.

Yours truly,
