Restore Metabolism 3 Step Guide

Have you ever noticed that when you were young you felt amazing in your body? You were confident and glowing with health. And over time, after kids and life, you have slowly lost that glow?

You are not alone and I am proof you can make simple changes that over time will give you transformational results.

When I restored my metabolism, my dreams started to come true! I met an amazing guy, started a business I love and had a healthy baby!

I’m sharing my unique 3 step approach I take with my clients to restore metabolism of their youth

What is metabolism?

What is metabolism?With the mainstream health industry's focus on weight loss and calorie restriction, it's no wonder that metabolism has been misunderstood and undervalued over the years.

But what if I told you that metabolism is actually a description of every single metabolic process of your body?This includes your immune system, your detoxification, and your hormones (just to name a few).

A damaged metabolism doesn't just inhibit fat loss—it drives down the rate of all metabolic processes. From this understanding, we can start to redefine health as balanced metabolism. And I have some good news for you! Your metabolic rate doesn't have to be this ticking time bomb that plummets after 40. Once we understand how metabolism works, we can understand how to keep the fire going in our 40's, 50's, and beyond.

Balanced vs damaged metabolism

A balanced metabolism is essential for a healthy body. It keeps you warm and balances your moods. It promotes regular bowel movements, happy belly and keeps your sex drive strong. It also ensures that your hair and nails are strong, and your weight is stable…

A damaged metabolism can result in cold hands and feet, constipation, PMS, anxiety, digestive issues like gas, bloating, and food sensitivities.

It may also cause skin issues like acne or rosacea as well as weight gain or loss.

Low energy levels can make it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and poor appetite could leave you feeling tired all day long.

A damaged metabolism can cause headaches or migraines that interfere with your ability to focus at work or school.

Finally, a damaged metabolism may lead to brain fog where it feels like thoughts aren't flowing freely from one thought to another but instead feel like they are being dragged through mud by a slow moving tractor trailer truck!

Life is much better when your metabolism is balanced!

Are YOU balanced or damaged?

The exact state of your metabolism can be easily measured and balanced with hair tissue mineral analysis.

Are you ready to learn my 3 step approach to balanced metabolism?

Restore your metabolism and get balanced

Your metabolism runs on mitochondria, which are the energy factories of your cells. They regulate cellular metabolism, bring nutrients into the cells and remove waste.


The problem is, if you're not eating the right foods and if you expose yourself to lots of environmental toxins, your metabolism can't function as it should. That's because your mitochondria are protected by the cell wall—and if that's damaged, so is your metabolism.

To restore your metabolism, you have to take care of your mitochondria! That’s exactly what I’m going to teach you how to do!!!

Step 1: nourish your cells and replenish nutrient deficiencies

Your mitochondria love balanced blood sugar levels, healthy fats, and loads of vitamins and minerals. They also need lots of oxygen to burn fat, so they can't stand the stuff that clogs up your arteries - processed foods and refined carbs.

  • You can help your mitochondria by eating nutrient-dense meals every 3-4 hours (a protein, a healthy fat and nutrient dense carbs like cooked vegetables or small amounts of fruit) starting with breakfast within 1 hour of waking up (it doesn’t have to be big - gluten free toast with almond butter, a few banana slices, sea salt and collagen latte or a small smoothie or a few poached eggs with avocado).

  • You should also eat enough calories - not eating enough puts a lot of stress on your body. Use to estimate your daily needs then track on myfitnesspal to see how much you are actually eating

  • Other ways to nourish your cells: hydrating with spring water, getting plenty of fresh air, sunshine, earthing (walking barefoot in nature), red light therapy (sitting under an RED light for 10 minutes every day or watching sunsets and sunrises without wearing sunglasses), forest bathing - nature heals!

In my practice I use hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), which reveals your unique biochemistry and what exactly you are deficient in. Knowing this, I create customized nourishing meal plans and targeted supplementation protocols.

Supplements are VERY powerful and I suggest NOT taking ANY supplements based on symptoms (this means: set your multi aside!!!).

Vitamins and minerals have a synergistic relationship. Taking the wrong supplements for YOUR body chemistry can cause more damage to your metabolism, which we are trying to restore!!!

I am one click away and can help you restore your metabolism!

Step 2: reduce stress

When you have balanced metabolism, you are strong on the inside and can handle what life throws at you. Your ability to cope with stress (physical, emotional or chemical) is strong, so when something stressful comes up, it's not that big of a deal. You feel calm and in control.

But when your metabolism is damaged, everything gets more challenging. Loud noises, inflammation, projects that are due—these things can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed out even if they don't really bother other people. And when everything is stressful for you, it can cause more damage to your metabolism over time.

When it comes to stress, we’re all a little different. But there are some things that work for everyone—like these three simple ways to reduce stress:

  • Body: sweating in a near infrared lamp sauna, reflexology, dry skin brushing, detox baths, deep breathing, yoga.

  • Mind: positive thinking, spending more time in nature and surrounding yourself with like minded people!

  • Clean lifestyle: reducing your exposure to environmental toxins! Several studies link deficiencies to a variety of environmental factors, including exposures to lead, as well as chemicals in personal care products and pesticides. I have great suggestions on my website's shop page, all products I personally use for myself and my family from companies I trust!

In my practice I use hair tissue mineral analysis because it reveals your current toxicity level, which gives us a blueprint on how to safely and effectively detox your body in a gentle and smart way!

We RE-tox daily (food, personal care products, air and so much more) and therefore we need a smart approach to minimize our exposure and DE-tox in a smart and sustainable way. Something we can do DAILY! Not for a few days of a juice cleanse or 30-day program....

Step 3: boost metabolically active tissues

Metabolism is the process by which your body uses nutrients to create energy needed for all processes in your body. When you eat, you need to digest, absorb and utilize the nutrients from your food so that you can get energy for the day. Metabolism is the engine that drives this process. You have three important metabolically active tissues: brown fat, muscle, and your microbiome.

You can begin by:

  • Improving your digestion and healing your gut. A simple way to start is eating bitter foods like arugula, radish, broccolini and taking GB-3 to support bile flow with each meal

  • Building muscle with weight training or pilates and eating enough high quality protein. Always take digestive enzymes or some apple cider vinegar to help absorb and utilize nutrients especially when you eat protein

  • Getting enough minerals! One of the most important things you can do for your health and metabolism is to make sure you are getting enough minerals. Minerals are the spark plugs for life, and not a single process in your body can be ignited without them. That's why drinking dead water (like purified water) will contribute to dehydration vs cellular hydration. You can begin by taking Epsom salt baths for magnesium, eating mineral-rich foods, drinking spring water and balancing minerals with hair tissue mineral analysis.

Hair tissue mineral analysis reveals your current mineral levels and their ratios. Having enough of the right minerals in bio-available form WILL help your gut heal, reduce stress in your body and will help you DE-tox safely!

These 3 steps together WILL restore your metabolism. Remember, this is a journey and NOT a sprint! My clients often see improvements in their symptoms FAST! However, lasting results come from making small steps daily and committing yourself for LIFE to take GREAT care of your SELF and your metabolism! I teach you how to do that in my program.

Get balanced!

It takes energy to pursue your dreams and to keep your body healthy. I believe restoring your metabolism is the key to living the life of your dreams.

You can begin with any suggestions listed in this guide and get your mineral and toxicity levels checked with hair tissue mineral analysis.

You can schedule your FREE consultation by filling the form below

Remember, every single little change counts! Start small, start simple and acknowledge yourself for doing better today than yesterday!

