What Causes Tension and What to Do About It?

Muscle tension is very common and it can often cause physical discomfort and pain such as back or neck pain, headaches, digestive discomfort etc. These issues affect our ability to enjoy life, cause bad moods and perhaps your ability to get your job done at home or at work!

There are simple things you can do to relieve the tension (ease the symptoms), which I recommend you do but ultimately you want to also address the ROOT causes of this tension, which are easily seen on a hair tissue mineral analysis.

Common reasons for tension

Let’s review the common reasons for tension and tight muscles that pull your spinal cord out of alignment as seen on HTMA and then we can go over solutions.

  1. Calcium and magnesium deficiency and/or biounavailability

  2. Nervous system imbalances

  3. Copper imbalance/zinc deficiency

  4. Adrenal weakness

  5. Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium or mercury that interfere with your body’s ability to utilize calcium and magnesium

Tight muscles are MORE than pain!

This tension can ultimately cause shorter life span! Mainly because the nutrients cannot reach the tissues where they are needed and metabolic waste products cannot be eliminated.

How to find and address the ROOT cause of tension

Hair tissue mineral analysis will reveal your unique reasons for tension! Based on your results, a customized protocol can be created to detox, replenish nutrient deficiencies, balance minerals, restore your nervous system and heal adrenals.

Since it might take over a year to fully address the ROOT cause of your muscle tightness and tension, it is recommended to loosen the muscles daily and get adjusted by a chiropractor on a weekly basis.

My favorite home remedies

  1. Sweating especially in near infrared lamp sauna

  2. Hot baths with epsom salts

  3. Deep blue rub or stick layered with lemongrass and copaiba essential oils (order here)

  4. Nutrient dense diet

  5. Supplements such as TMG, EPA DHA, Magnesium and Zinc or Limcomin (it is best to dose minerals on based HTMA results)

  6. Sunshine for Vitamin D and more!

  7. Calming the nervous system with deep breathing, meditation, essential oils, music, yoga…

  8. Daily yoga or other movement/stretching that is gentle on your body (not activating sympathetic nervous system)

  9. Dry brushing and showers to increase circulation

  10. Neck rolls and twists

  11. Massage and reflexology

When you are not feeling tight, your posture and health will improve and you will look and feel many years younger!!!