Take ON Toxic Overload

To live a long, happy and healthy life we need to be able to DETOX aka rid ourselves of toxins!

Detoxing the body helps free up your organs to function the way they should.

Detoxing restores your metabolism as it boosts all of your systems: immune, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and the reproductive system since you'll be able to absorb nutrients better, including Vitamins and minerals.

You sleep better, have more energy, lose excess weight, have stronger immune system, better and younger looking skin, think clearly, your breath does NOT smell bad, you feel lighter and younger, have no aches, pains or other strange symptoms and you are able to enjoy lots of healthy and yummy foods without digestive discomfort!

Life is AMAZING when you detox!!!

But detox or cleanse is not something you do once in a blue moon! You are exposed to toxins daily and you need to be able to detox them ALL daily, which unfortunately rarely happens naturally in our modern day and age.

The problem with DETOXING in our modern day

We are the first generation to have been exposed to a constant sea of heavy metals and toxic chemicals.

As unbelievable as it may sound, we are now more likely to get sick from the indoor air in our home or office than from the air outside.

According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is one of the leading health risks. In fact, some chemicals may be nearly one hundred times more concentrated indoors than outdoors.

Estimates suggest that each of us stockpiles about seven hundred different types of pollutants in our body.

Researchers are now finding that babies are born with over two hundred chemicals in their bloodstream; there’s rocket fuel in breast milk, lead in drinking water, and the list goes on.

This early and constant bombardment of toxins takes its toll on our ability to detox and ultimately can cost us our health.

Adding insult to injury, many of the very medicines that are supposed to benefit us often come with an alarming number of unwanted additives with detrimental side effects.

To restore your natural ability to detox, we need to reduce our exposure to toxins and we also have to address our toxic overload that has accumulated during our years of living.

You can live to one hundred—and beyond—in nearly perfect health, as many people around the world are doing. It’s not as hard as you may think. However, to do that, you need to understand what’s going on inside your body and why you’re accumulating toxins faster than you can eliminate them.

For the first time in a century, American life spans are getting shorter because of the rise in such preventable diseases as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

To recalibrate our biological clock and restore optimal health, we must look at the effects of toxic overload in the body as a major contributor to the underlying causes of premature and accelerated aging.


Let’s get to know who your toxic invaders are, so you can take steps to eliminate them from your home and your body and restore your cellular metabolism.


Living in today’s world has made our body a lifetime stockpile of way too many toxins. Aluminum, lead, mercury, and copper are so pervasive in twenty-first-century life that it is difficult to figure out which metal is to blame for one’s ill health; each can be devastatingly damaging.

Emerging evidence now suggests that many of these and other metals suppress the immune system by producing free radicals that, in turn, help accelerate the aging process as well as degenerative disease.

The metals discussed in this article are all in everyday use. Although some are actually therapeutic and beneficial in small amounts (copper, iron, and manganese, for example), they can be toxic in greater quantities.

Others, such as mercury, aluminum, and lead, can be toxic to certain individuals no matter how small the amount.

I consider the removal and avoidance of toxic metals to be as essential to my Balanced YOU Detox Program as breathing is to life.

After introducing you to the toxic metal sources all around us, I will explain how to eliminate their toxic effects.

Let’s first understand why and how they accumulate in the first place.

Preferred Minerals

Our body always needs to compensate for something it determines as lacking. It turns out that when you are deficient in one mineral, your body will use another element in that group to fill its place. The only problem is the new element is quite often toxic and can’t perform the functions for which the deficient one is meant.

Take, for example, the case of iodine. It is an essential building block of your thyroid hormones, T3 (tri-iodo-thyronine; hyphens added so you can see how important the iodine is) and T4 (thyroxine).

Your thyroid takes the iodine from your food and converts it into these hormones. But when iodine is deficient, your body substitutes another element. Iodine is in the group known as halogens, which also contains fluoride, bromide, and chloride. Chloride is already in such abundant use in the body, it can’t be pulled away to perform thyroid functions. This leaves fluoride—found primarily in drinking water, tea, and toothpaste—and bromide—found mainly in processed white flour and flame retardants on furniture and clothing (more on these later in the chapter).

When the body makes thyroid hormones with bromide or fluoride, they aren’t as biologically active as hormones made properly with iodine—but they still show up on a blood test in the same way.

This means you’ll feel all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, but you will appear to have normal thyroid hormone levels on blood tests.

This is similar to how your body uses mercury or cadmium when zinc is deficient.

And once these impostors bind to the target receptor sites, they stick like glue and are very challenging to unseat.

First, you have to supplement to restore your zinc or iodine stores; then you have to keep supplementing to flood these receptor sites, so you can outcompete the attached toxic metals.

Keep in mind that part of the attack plan underlying each of these toxic accumulations of heavy metals is to address the deficiency first. Otherwise, the undesirable metal will keep being substituted, making your efforts that much harder and prolonged.


Aluminum is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, and its toxicity is believed to be associated with neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. It is commonly found in vaccines.

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity include mental confusion and memory loss, muscle weakness, heartburn, colic, flatulence, ulcers, spasms of the esophagus, appendicitis, dry skin and mucous membranes, constipation, and immune problems, among others.

Due to its astringent quality, aluminum can irritate the mucous membranes in your gastrointestinal tract and destroy the protein-digestive enzyme pepsin in your stomach.

Aluminum also hampers your body’s utilization of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, increasing your risk for osteoporosis.

Aluminum is present in a wide variety of kitchenware, from aluminum foil to pots and pans. If it’s in your kitchen and made of metal, it potentially contains aluminum.

The problem is, when your food encounters aluminum, small particles can make their way into and accumulate over time in your body causing any of the following:

Alzheimer’s disease

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Anemia and other blood disorders

Appetite loss

Autism spectrum disorders

Breast cancer (5)







Dental cavities

Dry mouth

Dry skin

Excessive perspiration







Inhibition of enzyme systems

Kidney and liver dysfunctions

Learning delays and disabilities

Lowered immune function

Memory loss

Neuromuscular disorders





Parkinson’s disease

Peptic ulcers

Reduced intestinal activity

Spleen pain

Stomach pain


Weak and aching muscles


We are most likely to be exposed to cadmium from cigarette smoking or secondhand smoke, as well as many e-cigarettes and vaping products. Surprisingly, it can be found in chocolate of all varieties and also in some seaweeds, including nori (which is used in sushi and as a dried snack). Other common sources include metal containers, cookware with a cadmium-containing glaze, electroplated ice cube trays, and antiseptics. Cadmium has been linked to lung and prostate cancer, chromosome damage, and reduced birth weight. Loss of smell, runny nose, shortness of breath, coughing, weight loss, irritability, and fatigue result from long-term exposure to cadmium fumes, accompanied by yellow rings on the teeth, bone pain, and kidney damage.


Fluoride, the substance said to strengthen tooth enamel, is another savior-turned-disabler that is added to our water as a dental aid. It is also becoming prevalent in our food supply due, for example, to such pesticides as cryolite, commonly used as a filler in commercially prepared animal feed.

Fluoride is a potent factor in aging. It is a primary culprit in the calcification of the pineal gland, and along with aluminum is known to weaken the immune system and cause heart disease, birth defects, and genetic damage.

More than 150 studies now show fluoride’s neurotoxicity and links to bone and brain diseases, diabetes, cancer, and digestive disorders.


As you’ve undoubtedly heard in the news, lead in drinking water from corroded lead pipes is a huge concern today.

Besides being a common contaminant in chocolate and in many imported products (including glazed pottery), vintage dishware, and glassware, recent testing identified lead as a contaminant in a host of dietary supplements, particularly those with inferior manufacturing standards. Purchasing your supplements from a reputable company with strict sourcing and production standards is money well spent.

No level of lead exposure is considered safe.

Lead is distributed to your brain, liver, and kidneys and accumulates in your teeth and bones over time.

Once stored in the bone, lead will remain there for twenty-five to thirty years.

Even low levels of lead may cause osteoporosis, cognitive problems, and hearing loss.

Chronic exposure to low levels of lead has also been shown to cause hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Most lead dust we inhale gets absorbed into the lower respiratory tract.

The liver can’t metabolize inorganic lead, so it must be bound by bile in the intestines and excreted or it will be absorbed into our tissues.

Most people don’t produce enough bile. GB-3, bitter foods, coffee enemas help increase bile production and help you detox.

Once women reach menopause, they have faster bone cell turnover due to lowered estrogen levels. As a result, the lead stored in their bones begins leaching into their bodies from the breakdown of bone tissue. Symptoms like fatigue and brain fog begin to occur due to lead toxicity. This is commonly chalked up to ‘getting older’ when it’s really a mitochondrial poison slowly being released into their body.

These are some of the many health conditions that may result from lead toxicity:

Abdominal pain

Adrenal insufficiency



Alzheimer’s (2)



Anxiety (2)



Attention deficit disorder, or “ADD” (2, 13)


Back pain/problems

Behavioral disorders



Cardiovascular disease

Cataracts (2)

Cartilage destruction

Cognitive and behavioral problems (2)

Concentration loss



Coordination loss

Deafness (2)


Depression (2)


Disrupts neurotransmitters


Emotional instability





Growth and pubertal developmental delays (24)



High blood pressure (2, 21)


Hyperactivity (2, 13)


Impaired glycogen storage


Immune suppression (18)


Infertility or reduced fertility (24)




Joint pain

Kidney dysfunction

Learning disabilities

Libido decrease

Liver dysfunction

Low IQ (2, 13)

Memory loss (long term) (2)

Mental retardation (2)

Menstrual problems


Mitochondrial damage (15, 16)

Multiple sclerosis

Myelopathy (Spinal cord pathology)






Parkinson’s disease (2)

Peripheral neuropathies


Psychomotor dysfunction


Red blood cell damage

Renal dysfunction (2)


Schizophrenia (2)




Sudden infant death syndrome


Tooth decay


Violence and aggression (2)

Vision Loss (2)

Unintentional weight loss


Mercury, a potent neurotoxin, is at the root of a wide variety of disorders. There is no known “safe” level of mercury exposure.

We are exposed to mercury mainly through dental amalgams, fish and seafood (especially larger fish, such as tuna, swordfish, mackerel, and sea bass), medications, personal care products, agricultural chemical residues, and high-fructose corn syrup.

Mercury causes demyelination of nerve fibers (damage to the nerves’ protective myelin sheath) and slowing of the nerve conduction velocity. Mercury can also cause tinnitus and hearing loss, among other commonly recognized age-related illnesses.

Although many (not all) dentists now use safer composites, those of us who received a mouthful of silver amalgam mercury fillings during our younger years often still have them. And these fillings have slowly been leaking one of the most poisonous substances on the planet—mercury—into our body ever since, representing 50 percent or more of an adult’s mercury exposure. If you still have amalgam fillings, it’s imperative that you seek the advice of a biological dentist trained in safe mercury removal.

Hidden Dental Infections from Root Canals, Cavitations, and Implants

Teeth are a living tissue. Although they seem solid, they are porous, with fluid constantly flowing through them to cleanse all the layers of the tooth. This creates an environment for the microbiome to live in, the community of microorganisms that contribute to both the health and disease of your mouth.

When the infection from tooth decay reaches the root of the tooth, the choices are to do a root canal or have the tooth extracted.

Both of these choices can lead to hidden infections near the bone, which can lead to systemic disease in your body.

A tooth with a root canal no longer has fluid flowing through it, which allows unhealthy bacteria to grow deep inside, near the bone.

The tooth is essentially dead with no oxygen flowing through it, providing the perfect environment for a long-term, low-grade infection to exist.

These infections also travel to other parts of the body, such as the heart, and are a known cause of heart disease.

A cavitation is an infection of unhealed bone where a tooth has been extracted. If the tooth cavity is not cleaned thoroughly and the periodontal ligament isn’t removed when the tooth is removed, the infection that caused the tooth decay moves into unhealed bone and can even form a cyst that is a potent source of infection. These hidden infections are hard to find; they occasionally show up on an X-ray, but more commonly they’re found by a biological dentist who knows what to look for.

Dentists who practice biological dentistry believe that each tooth is connected to an organ.

This means your digestive woes, irritable bowel syndrome, or even liver dysfunction may be linked to the anaerobic bacteria leaking into your system from root canals, cavitations, and/or implants affecting these teeth.

Have a thorough examination by a biological dentist and take on these toxins.

Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity

Hundreds of symptoms may be due to chronic mercury toxicity. It is my firm belief that many diseases are incorrectly diagnosed when, actually, they are cause by mercury toxicity.

Two things to note: the organ most affected my mercury is the brain and children suffer the most from mercury-related disorders.

Here is a long list of symptoms and conditions that may be associated with mercury:


Acid Reflux – mercury is a proton pump inhibitor, which reduces stomach acid

Adrenal fatigue

Allergies – leaky gut via gut dysbiosis caused by mercury (2)

Alzheimer’s Disease


Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis)



Anorexia (5, 8)

Anxiety (2, 6, 8)



Ataxia (2, 5)

Autism (9)

Autoimmune Disease

Arterial sclerosis – Mercury activates an enzyme called phospholipase D (PLD) in cells, which line blood vessel walls (endothelial cells). This activation causes the release of phosphatidic acid, which damages the cells (10). These damaged cells then accumulate cholesterol-based plaque leading to arterial sclerosis.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Birth defects (3, 5)

Excessive Blushing (5)

Brain Fog (2)


Bruxism – teeth grinding while sleeping


Calcium, Elevated Blood


Chronic Fatigue (6)



Coronary Vascular Disease – Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor (KIHD) study: 2,005 men without heart disease are divided into four groups based on hair-mercury content and tracked for an average of 12 years. Those in the top 25 percent for hair mercury had a 60% increased risk of death from CVD. Those same men had a 70% increased risk of coronary heart disease.

Crohn’s Disease


Depression (2, 5, 6)

Dermatitis (3, 5)

Developmental delays (3)

Dizziness (5)

Dysarthria (characterized by slurred or slow speech due to weakness or poor control over the muscles used for speech) (2, 3, 5)

Dysbiosis – mercury kills good gut bacteria

Enlarged Prostate (Elevated DHT)

Fatigue (2, 5, 8)


Floaters In the Eyes



Hair loss (elevated DHT) (2)

Headaches (5, 8)

Hearing loss (2, 5)

Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)

High Cholesterol

Homocysteine, Elevated (increases risk of heart disease)

Hormonal dysregulation including abnormal menstrual cycles and infertility (2)

Hyperactivity (5, 6)


Hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain sounds)

Hypertension (2)

Immune Suppression/ Immune System Dysfunction (5)

Insomnia (3, 5)

Irritability (3)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Juvenile Arthritis

Kidney Damage (3, 5)

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Learning Disabilities


Manic Depressive Disorder

Memory Loss (3, 5)

Mitochondrial membrane dysfunction (11)

Mole Formation (especially on the neck, underarms, inner thighs, and feet)

Mood Swings (3, 5)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (2)

Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle Tremors (2, 3, 5, 8)

Myasthenia Gravis

Nausea and vomiting

Nervousness (5)

Neuropathy - numbness and tingling or “pins and needles” sensation (2, 3, 5)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Oily Skin (elevated DHT)


Panic attacks

Parkinson’s Disease


Photophobia (sensitivity to light from weak iris response)

Rashes (3, 5)

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Salivating, Excessive

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (5)


Excessive Shyness (3, 8)

Sleep Disorders (2, 8)

Suicidal Thoughts

Spider Veins

Selenium Deficiency

Thyroid Disorders like Hypothyroidism (5)

Tinnitus (Ringing In the Ears)

Transient ischemia attacks or stroke (2)

Vision Impairment, loss of peripheral vision (by altering interocular fluid eye pressure) (3, 5, 8)

Vitamin C Deficiency

Weakness in muscles (5)

Weight Gain

White Coating On the Tongue

Yeast/Candida Infections

Zinc Deficiency


If you suffer from lactose intolerance or “leaky gut,” nickel may be to blame.

Remember the problem with mineral deficiencies and poor substitutes?

Nickel is so similar to zinc that when you have a zinc deficiency, your body will use nickel instead. Nickel is mutagenic, causing chromosome damage by binding DNA and other cellular proteins.

So, when nickel tries to play a role in the more than three hundred enzyme reactions that zinc catalyzes, metabolic mayhem is the result.

Nickel exposure is also a known instigator of lung irritation, asthma, and even lung and nasal cancers.


The Dirty Dozen The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has identified the following chemicals as the “Dirty Dozen Endocrine Disruptors.”

You will see some of our heavy metal invaders on this list since heavy metals are multitasking toxins.

1. BPA (canned foods, plastics)

2. Dioxin (processed foods, especially commercial animal products)

3. Atrazine (herbicide often found in tap water)

4. Phthalates (plastics, PVC, fragrances, personal care products)

5. Perchlorate (rocket fuel, also shows up in tap water)

6. Fire retardants (clothing, carpet, upholstery, bedding)

7. Lead

8. Arsenic

9. Mercury

10. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) (nonstick cookware; stain- and water-resistant coatings on clothing, furniture, and carpets)

11. Organophosphate pesticides (nonorganic foods)

12. Glycol ethers (cleaning products)


Many of us grew up enjoying bread and pasta, and the incidences of gluten sensitivity were practically unheard of.

All of a sudden, there seems to be an explosion of gluten-sensitive individuals here in the US. According to detox expert Linda Lancaster, “Glyphosate is a powerful metal binder that binds with mercury and aluminum, making them more toxic. It not only disturbs the detoxification process of the liver, but also helps the metals make their way into the bloodstream.”

It’s interesting to note that when American vacationers eat pasta or bread in other countries, such as Italy, for example, they are often able to tolerate the foods.

What is going on? The answer just might lie with the method of wheat harvesting.

Here in the US, the practice since the 1990s has been to spray wheat fields with a chemical, such as Roundup, several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields.

The end result is designed to be an earlier and more robust harvest.

In addition, glyphosate can migrate through water from the chemically treated field into organic fields, and we now know that glyphosate is being used to treat other grain and legume products after harvesting.

Unfortunately, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, has been linked to damaged gut flora, cancer, leaky gut, and autoimmune illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, and combines with both mercury and aluminum.

When these pollutants are addressed, the pain of fatigue, PMS and other many conditions and age-related diseases, such as brain and memory conditions, as well as Lyme disease and fibromyalgia, can improve remarkably.


Detox Is Your Path to Looking and Feeling Younger

I have researched and studied these metals and their effect on the body for years. What I’ve learned is that toxic metals are really what are causing your health issues and aging. There’s no amount of coffee or makeup that’s going to cover this up. There is no quick fix. The path to greater life is detox.

If you want to really help yourself get rid of fatigue and brain fog, as well as produce the amount of energy that will meet your needs (and more!), these metals must be purged from your system and replaced with the minerals your body needs for optimal health and energy.

But how do you do that? That’s exactly what I reveal in Balanced YOU Detox Program and will introduce you to in this article.

You can begin TODAY to limit your exposure to toxins and feel the difference with more glow on your face and less bloat on your waist.


Remove aluminum sources:

  • Ditch deodorants and antiperspirants with aluminum. I use Beautycounter’s Clean Deodorant

  • Medications (including antacids, antidiarrheals, and over-the-counter painkillers). When on Balanced YOU Detox Program, your health will improve and the need for medications will be reduced or eliminated.

  • Dental work (more info later in the article)

  • Soy-based infant formula, which commonly contain aluminum.

  • Remove as many aluminum sources from the kitchen as possible and find suitable substitutes. Replace all aluminum steamers, measuring cups, spoons, bread pans, and cookie sheets with Xtrema ceramic, stainless steel, glass, or Pyrex, and avoid aluminum foil, opting for parchment paper. Use a magnet to test for aluminum content; a magnet will not stick if cookware contains aluminum.

  • Supplement with silica. Consider drinking silica-rich water, such as Fiji.

  • Follow a complete Balanced YOU Detox Program


  • Upgrade your make up! Concealer and eyeliner contain cadmium. I use Beautycounter because they test for heavy metals

  • Make sure your cookware does not contain a cadmium glaze, nor should any other metal container coming in contact with food or water.

  • Avoid eating cadmium-laden foods. Seafood, such as mussels and nori, are typically high in cadmium.

  • Avoid smoking, secondhand smoke, e-cigarettes, and all forms of vaping. One single cigarette may contain approximately 1 to 3 mg of cadmium. Vaping also has cadmium and nickel inside the vapor.

  • Jewelers, potters, welders, painters, sculptors, and photographers need to be especially careful with the products they use.

  • Get tested (hair tissue mineral analysis is included in my program) to make sure you are not deficient in zinc. Low levels of zinc are associated with more retention of cadmium.


  • Avoid foods that contain high levels of mercury. These include large fish especially tuna, shark and other large fish

  • Detox your cleaning products. Cleaners including Ajax, Lysol, Comet, Derma Scrub, Dove Soap, Ivory Liquid, chlorine and chlorine bleach contain mercury. I clean with Norwex microfiber and water!

  • Switch to cosmetics and personal care products that get tested for mercury. I use beautycounter.

  • Eat organic and minimize processed food. Bleached flour contains mercury

  • Use plant based medicine (doTERRA essential oils) as needed because many medications, psoriasis ointments etc contain mercury

  • Mind your dental health. Check out www.Iabdm.org/location for a dentist who is trained in correct removal protocols and procedures.

  • Remember acne, allergies, adrenal fatigue, GI issues, fatigue etc are symptoms of mercury toxicity

  • Mercury toxicity causes deficiencies in selenium, zinc, Vitamin C. Get tested and balance your minerals. Minerals help to push metals out of the body and are an important part of a metal detox program. Mercury antagonists such as selenium, zinc, chromium, and manganese assist to remove mercury from the body. Selenium is the most important to remove mercury. I have found that almost everyone I test is deficient in selenium.

  • Antioxidants. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant that prevents free radical damage from toxic metal exposures. I prefer the liposomal form of glutathione. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an acetylated amino acid and a precursor of glutathione. Both are very effective at removing mercury.

  • Curcumin and garlic are known for removing mercury effectively. I eat these foods as often as I can because of their detox effects.

  • Part of Balanced YOU Detox Program is near infrared sauna. The skin is the largest organ of the body and an excellent eliminative route for mercury. The best way I have found to enhance mercury skin elimination is daily use of an infrared sauna for several years


  • Switch to beautycounter cosmetics! Lead is found in your beauty products. Yes, you are likely putting lead on your face daily to beautify yourself. Cosmetics, especially lipstick and mascara, have been found to contain shocking levels of lead. Be sure to buy lipstick that has been certified to be free of lead.

  • Drink clean water. Lead is the most common toxicant found in the drinking water of U.S. schools, via water fountains, coolers, and other water outlets

  • Go organic! Pesticides contain lead

  • Get tested to make sure you are not calcium deficient. Calcium is the mineral antagonist to lead.

When I see a client that is reporting that they sleep 11-12 hours a day, the first thing I suspect is lead toxicity. They simply cannot produce enough energy to function and tend to sleep very long hours.

  • NAC, curcumin, Vitamin E, taurine are very helpful in detoxing lead


  • Avoid cheaply made jewelry, which is a common allergen.

  • Cookware (some stainless steel is composed of 14 percent nickel)

  • Avoid hydrogenated fats (including vegetable oil), which use nickel in the processing.

  • Other sources include tobacco, e-cigarettes or vapes, piercings, and vehicle exhaust. DO NOTE: e-cigarette vapors are often four times higher in nickel than is tobacco smoke.


    Find substitutes for products that contain fluoride

  • Look for toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride. Norwex has a good one.

  • Avoid kombucha at all costs because it is a highly concentrated source of fluoride-rich tea. Remember that the common tea plant is a bioaccumulator of fluoride, so find young tea leaves and limit all black, white, and green teas to no more than two cups daily.

  • Invest in a good water filter.

  • Balance with boron. Eat 2 prunes daily to help detox fluoride from your thyroid and your pineal gland.


  • Go gluten-free or

  • Substitute other grains for wheat. Baking with unhybridized flour, such as einkorn, which has an entirely different genetic makeup than modern wheat, can be a great alternative for many with gluten sensitivity. The gluten in einkorn lacks the high-molecular-weight proteins that many people can’t digest. Because einkorn does contain gluten, it is not recommended for those with celiac disease. Sourdough bread is known to help break down gluten in wheat. Be advised, however, that the sourdough bread must be baked using select Lactobacilli and nontoxic flour. It’s best to get it from a qualified baker who makes it from scratch. Many individuals who are grain intolerant can also use tigernut flour or chestnut flour.

  • Daily eat foods high in fulvic and humic acid minerals. They can help offset glyphosate toxicity. High levels of fulvic acid are found in organically grown vegetables, especially those whose roots grow deeper underground. Such plants include potatoes, radishes, beets, carrots and other root vegetables

  • Go for glycine. Since glyphosate can displace glycine, a key amino acid in many metabolic reactions, it is best to eat glycine-rich foods (gelatin powder, bone broth, meat, raw dairy, spinach, kelp, watercress, asparagus, cabbage).

Liver cleanse

Your liver works overtime and it needs help! Balanced YOU Detox Program teaches you how to support your liver with food, supplements, lifestyle and detox procedures. Below you’ll find a few tips to get you started now.

  1. I always recommend steaming, poaching, braising, and roasting your meat and vegetables and making stews and soups like your grandma would make. If you have a sensitive digestive system, you’ll want to cook your foods in a slow, gradual way.

  2. Eat foods that help cleanse the liver, like beets and leafy greens and a variety of vegetables. Don’t fry or cook in a way that’s overwhelmed with heavily sautéed foods. I like to use olive oil or ghee after cooking and add a sprinkle of sea salt flakes.

  3. Eat consciously, recognizing that food has subtle energy. We have to look at both what we’re putting in our mouth and how we are eating it. We cannot eat just because we want to be healthy; we have to eat because it’s going to nourish us so that we can be the best that we can be. We are nature, so what feeds us and takes care of us is nature. Nature heals. We look to nature to heal ourselves, whether it’s in sleeping, movement, drinking, eating, how we think, or how we feel.

Your body can heal itself when given the right support!

Do these 3 things to support your body:

  1. Get tested

  2. Limit your exposure to heavy metals and toxic chemicals

  3. Follow liver cleansing tips above!