How To Stop Dieting, Get Healthy and Feel Good
Isn’t it everyone’s dream: to eat what they want (aka enjoy food), look good (have perfect body) and feel amazing (actually be happy).
If the dream is so simple, why is it difficult to achieve? Why are we constantly looking for a new diet? New trend? New magic pill? Why do diets and recommendations change on us all the time?
I believe we lost touch with nature, with ourselves. We don’t hear the whispers of our SOUL, we hear CRAVINGS and MARKETING. And it did not happen overnight.
When I was 5 years old, I started dancing. When I was 10 years old I was a dancer who was shamed for eating pastries.
The people that shamed me did not know much about me, they did not know the state of my metabolism, how I ate 80% of the time…
However, their words got to me. After a while, I started feeling BAD about eating pastries. The same pastries that made me feel so good on the inside.
When you eat something, enjoy it fully and believe this food is good for you - somehow you feel good after eating it. No digestive issues, no shame, no guilt.
When you eat something you believe is BAD for you AND you experience mixed or negative emotions about it, which prevent you from enjoying it, you get gas, bloating or feel nauseous afterwards.
The point I am trying to make is that your MIND and your BODY are connected. You have to believe in something to enjoy the benefits and you HAVE to focus on FEELING GOOD!
Yes!!!!!! Focus on feeling GOOD!
That is not to say to brainwash yourself in believing that plastic margarine is good for you… Do your research but most importantly learn to TRUST yourself!
I believe in INTUITIVE NUTRIENT DENSE WAY OF EATING with the daily focus on loving life, having fun, finding joy in EVERYTHING you do (be it for pleasure or work/service to humanity or your loved ones).
My meal plan is a compilation of my favorite simple recipes. Use it as an inspiration to cook wholesome meals with foods you get at your local farmer’s market! RESET so that YOU can INTUITIVELY choose your meats, vegetables and drinks! Grab it below
How to stop dieting then and become an intuitive eater?
You can stop dieting by learning how to nourish your body (mind and soul) FULLY. You learn this by educating yourself about the needs of your body (when I say body, I also mean mind and soul:), and then you start practicing nourishing yourself FULLY with loving kindness meaning YOU WILL NOT GET IT RIGHT 100% OF THE TIME and you need to be okay with that.
Always remember that you are a Spirit having a Human experience and you are just doing your best.
Is it okay to want a perfect body?
However, what is YOUR definition of perfect body? What is important to you at this stage of your life? Are you a woman who wants to birth a child? Are you an athlete who wants to run a marathon? Are you a mom who wants the energy to play with kids and age well? Are you in pain and want to enjoy life in a pain free body?
Who are you really and what are your short-term and long-term goals?
Once you know what YOU want, it makes it easier for you to make daily choices and track/celebrate progress.
What should I eat to become more intuitive and heal?
No matter what your goals are, we are meant to eat Whole Foods that are in season and sourced locally and that are balancing to your body!
This is an ancient principle rooted in Ayurveda, the sister of yoga, and supported by modern science!
I studied Ayurveda as a part of my yoga certification and the knowledge of Ayurveda helped seek out natural solutions when I got sick after having my son.
When a student is ready, the teacher appears!
That’s how I found Nutritional Balancing Science and became a holistic health practitioner.
Nutritional Balancing Diet
Nutritional balancing diet is exactly what I described above: a way of nourishing yourself fully with Whole Foods that are nutrient dense and balancing for your body chemistry.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” This famous quote is often attributed to Hippocrates.
Nutritional balancing science uses hair tissue mineral analysis to determine your current body chemistry. It is simple and affordable and can be done frequently (seasonally) to help you find more balance and ease in your body and mind.
My meal plan gives you lots of ideas of what to eat!
Here are some basic principles everyone can follow.
Basic Principles
Nutrient dense way of eating is a way to nourish yourself with whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals and are easy to digest
Enjoy a variety of steamed organic vegetables filling one half to two thirds of your plate. The emphasis is on vegetables and on cooking them. This is very important. Vegetables provide hundreds of extremely usable nutrients, are highly nutritious, somewhat more yang in nature, (more warming) and are very alkaline in their reaction in the body.
Steaming vegetables helps break down indigestible fibers, allowing much better absorption of most nutrients, particularly minerals, concentrates many foods, such as spinach, allowing you to eat more vegetables at a meal, adds heat or yang energy, kills literally thousands of surface bacteria, fungi, parasites and other harmful organisms. Most people do not have enough stomach acid to kill microorganisms on some food. Also much of our food is grown out of the country where standards of cleanliness are often much lower, increasing the chances for food-borne infections. (Eating locally grown food is always best!)Natural and organic grass fed meats that include poultry, lamb, and eggs.
Fish is a special case. It is a nutritious food, but filled with mercury today. Very small fish however are highly recommended. Sardines, herrings, anchovies, smelt, and salmon—once a month only, because it is a larger fish and may contain more mercury than smaller fish.
Small amounts blue and yellow organic corn products, and wheat-free grains such as brown rice, millet and quinoa.
Some high quality organic, full fat dairy, as raw as possible. Certified raw dairy products from grass-fed cows (fed pasture, hay and silage), produced under clean conditions and promptly refrigerated, contains many anti-microbial and immune-supporting components that can energize the body. This includes milk, cheese and yogurt.
Some healthful animal fats and oils such as butter, egg yolks, and a small amount of vegetable oils, olive oil, flax oil and hemp seed oil. Cooking fats and oils can damage these foods’ nutritional qualities, some more than others. Therefore, try eating all meats lightly cooked and all eggs soft boiled, poached or lightly scrambled because it helps to maintain the food’s optimal nutritional status. If you use vegetable oils, buy only cold pressed, raw, organic oils. Raw flaxseed or hempseed oils are excellent products because they are rich in Omega-3’s, but watch the expiration dates since they go rancid quickly.
Minimal amount of fruit Fruit is very yin, quite hybridized, and its sweetness tends to upset the blood sugar level in most people causing a variety of symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue or headaches. If you need to have fruit, limit it to berries or an apple once a day.
Ten to twelve ounces of fresh or store bought carrot juice Freshly juiced carrots, provides a highly bioavailable form of calcium and other nutrients. Fresh or frozen wheatgrass is also an excellent alternative as well, and it is recommended that you have one or two ounces of this juice. If you would like, try adding a few vegetables to your carrot juice.
PURE AND SIMPLE Keep meals honest, clean and simple for best digestion. Many people believe meals should be complex. In fact, a meal with a protein and two types of vegetables are plenty as it eases digestion. Straightforward and organic food is best to maintain balanced in the body.
MIX IT UP Go to your local farmer’s market and try 1 or 2 new types of vegetables each week!
Cellular metabolism
Why do we eat? I believe we eat to balance our physical and emotional body! Emotional eating is looked down upon but it should not be. It is our nature! However, when you RESET and learn to eat Whole Foods to nourish yourself fully, you will not feel bad after eating EVER! Anything you eat will have a purpose and will be balancing.
Food is cellular medicine required for cellular metabolism!
Nutrient dense foods are easy to digest.
That’s important because you are what you eat and what you DIGEST because you are what trillions of your cells are able to receive!!!
What your cells receive (actually mitochondria behind the cell membranes) is what dictates the state of your metabolism and how much energy for life you are able to produce. We are energy and we need lots of energy for any process in the body (more about it in my previous blog).
To get the vitamins and minerals to your mitochondria, cellular membranes must be healthy. Cellular membranes are made of fat. Fat you EAT assimilates into cell membranes within one minute of eating!!!
Food is medicine! When you truly learn to eat intuitively, you WILL eat less toxic foods and more of healing foods.
This will happen naturally without you having to doubt yourself or freak out when you eat something that’s off limits.
I think you are beginning to understand that becoming an intuitive eater is of the most importance. It does not happen overnight and I am here to help you heal your body and RESET so you can intuitively put that donut down AND allow yourself to eat a spoonful of grassfed butter if you intuitively feel you need it!!!
Stock up on essentials for good health (below) and use my meal plan for inspiration.
The following foods are nutrient dense and they support adrenal, thyroid, liver and/or gut function!
I buy my condiments at Thrive Market online
Poppy seeds
Sea salt
oils & butters
I buy at Thrive Market Online
Coconut oil - optional
Olive oil
Flax oil
Hemp oil
nuts & nut butters
Buy at Thrive Market Online or Costco
Almond butter
Cashew butter
Sunflower butter
vinegar & other condiments
Buy at Thrive Market Online
Balsamic vinegar
Apple Cider vinegar
Healthy mayonaise
Rice vinegar
Sea salt
San-J® Organic, Tamari soy sauce
pods &seeds
Green beans
sea vegetables
onion family
root vegetables
Celery root
Sweet potatoes
brassicas &green leafy vegetables
Brussel sprouts
Collard greens
Swiss chard
pumpkins &squash
Summer squashes
Winter squashes
shoot vegetables
sprouted seeds
Adzuki bean sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts
Garbanzo Bean sprouts
Lentil sprouts
Mung bean sprouts
Wheat berry sprouts
Grass fed beef
Natural chicken and turkey sausage
Natural and organic Chicken and turkey
Natural turkey bacon
Natural lamb
Wild caught Salmon
Crème fraiche
Goat cheese
Goat milk
Organic milk
Plain yogurt
Raw cheese
Sheep milk cheese
Sour cream
Blue &yellow taco shells
Blue corn chips
Brown rice pasta
Brown rice
Corn meal
Corn tortillas
Wheat free-sugar free cereals
Assorted herbal teas chamomile, raspberry, peach, strawberry, green teas
Spring water
Sparkling mineral water
Coffee - organic and mold free
Nut milk - homemade or the ones that have only 3 ingredients (nuts, water, sea salt)
My favorites are linked below
Excellent knives for cutting vegetables
Magic Bullet™ mini food processor
Measuring cups and Spoons
Pressure cooker
Slotted spoons
Small sized ramekins ceramic or glass–serving bowl used for the preparation and serving of various food dishes.
storage containers
Freezer storage containers
Glass storage containers
Zip top storage bags–all sizes
Raw Honey
Pure Maple Syrup
*Organic and natural produce, meats and oils are best!
My meal plan is a compilation of my favorite simple recipes. Use it as an inspiration to cook wholesome meals with foods you get at your local farmer’s market! RESET so that YOU can INTUITIVELY choose your meats, vegetables and drinks!
Cheers to good health!